“Our advertising in Farmers Guide has resulted in good quality enquires and an increase in sales leads.”

Geoffrey Wox, Director – Wox Agri Services

“We are very pleased to have deepened our relationship with Farmers Guide over the past two years. We were keen to find the right platform to share insights and market perspectives with as many arable farmers as possible and FG provided us with the perfect opportunity to do just that. Our regular FG feature receives many positive comments from both farmers and journalists who enjoy reading our articles and so that raises our market profile. The Farmers Guide team is professional and they have a deep understanding of our target audience profile, which makes working with them both enjoyable, effective, and most importantly productive.”

Richard Kaye, Head of Brand and Communications – Openfield

Advertise with Us

Send us a message outlining your advertising requirements and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Print Magazine

Farmers Guide magazine provides a monthly opportunity to reach over 30,000 farms across the UK with a range of advert sizes.

Please fill in the form above or email our sales team for more information – alternatively you can call for an informal chat 01473 691888.

Online Advertising Opportunities

The Farmers Guide website provides an alternative method to promote your products or brand on a daily basis, to a large agricultural audience.

Slider – Sliding advert visible on all pages

Premium Packages – Homepage banner and MPU on every news story, plus most pages (rotating tenancy)

Category Sponsorship – Banner on any category homepage, plus every category news story (rotating tenancy)

Weather Sponsorship – Banner on weather page

Events Sponsorship – Banner on Events calendar page, and every event

Jobs Sponsorship – Banner on Jobs homepage, and every job listing

Jobs Listing – Your job opportunity featured on our jobs page, and promoted across our social media platforms

Sponsored Post – News piece on website, advert at top of article page, with prime placement on homepage featured stories. Including pinned posts featured at the top of our social media pages for one week

Bespoke Banner – Our largest available banner, or either the machinery or arable categories

Inline Article Banner – Appears within the body of articles

FarmAds – Banner and MPU positions available on our sister website FarmAds.co.uk.

Email Marketing :

Monthly Newsletters – Various positions (including video placement) available on any of our three monthly newsletters, emailed out to 12,500 of our readers. Magazine preview (‘Just Landed’), Editor’s Picks and Latest FarmAds Listings (third Tuesday after dispatch).

Featured Newsletters – Sponsorship, top spots and general positions available on monthly themed newsletters (e.g Farm Tech, Farm Diversification, etc.) emailed out to 12,500 of our readers.

Bespoke Newsletters – Totally customise your own e-shot to 12,500 of our readers.

Please fill in the form above or email our sales team for more information – alternatively you can call for an informal chat 01473 691888.

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We have moved!

We’ve now moved to our new office in Stowmarket. If you wish to contact us please use our new address:

Unit 3-4 Boudicca Road, Suffolk Central Business Park, Stowmarket, IP14 1WF

Thank you,

The Farmers Guide Team