Fungicide set for flying start

Newly introduced to the UK by Sipcam for the 2017 season, Perseo is a combination of chlorothalonil and azoxystrobin for disease control in cereals at growth stages T0–T3. Trial results

Newly introduced to the UK by Sipcam for the 2017 season, Perseo is a combination of chlorothalonil and azoxystrobin for disease control in cereals at growth stages T0–T3.

Trial results from the UK, Germany and France indicate good efficacy for Septoria tritici, Septoria nodorum and common rusts in wheat and Rhyncosporium in barley, comparable with leading UK brands, says the company.

Perseo gives wider spectrum disease control for winter wheat than straight chlorothalonil and can also be used on rye and triticale.

James Ward of Sipcam said: “We envisage Perseo being used either on its own at growth stages T0 and T3 or in mixtures at T1 and T2, within label constraints and FRAG-UK resistance guidelines. Recent trials in Ireland have shown the product is sufficiently robust to be used alone at T1 and T2, giving yield responses of more than 2 t/ha over the control. Lower rates in tank mixes with SDHI’s or triazoles increased yields by nearly 3 t/ha.

“Overall it is a cost effective alternative to high profile brands on the market with a proven track record and unique formulation,” he added.

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