Solar farm given go-ahead on Suffolk arable land

East Suffolk Council has given the green light for Novus Renewable Services to install the solar panels and associated infrastructure on arable land to the east of Bucklesham.

solar panels on farm
Stock photo for illustration only.

Novus Renewable Services proposed the solar project on Bucklesham Hall Farm, east of Brightwell Road near Bucklesham and Newbourne in Suffolk. 

A public consultation event was held at Newbourne Village Hall, where concerns raised included the loss of agricultural land, the visual impact of the site and the placement of the panels, EADT reports.

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The 25ha site is currently in arable use and is set to produce up to 27MW. The solar panels, which will be 3.1m in height, are expected to last for 40 years.

The applicant’s agent, Wardell Armstrong, said in the design and access statement that the development would save around 5,260t of CO2 per year and power 6,000 homes.

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