Head to Tow
20th December 2019
A Free Trailer safety Towing App giving quick and easy access to manufacturers daily, monthly and preseason checks at the click of a button.
A Free Trailer safety Towing App giving quick and easy access to manufacturers daily, monthly and preseason checks at the click of a button.
The Tilly Pass is working hard along with many of the trailer manufacturers in the UK to make a real change in Agri trailer safety and we are delighted to launch this App.
The HSE Doc section 4-Vehicle maintenance : http://www.hse.gov.uk/workplacetransport/checklist/section4.htm
By Law, every Employer must make sure that work equipment is maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair.
Inspections can range from drivers carrying out start-up safety checks before using the vehicle to regular preventative maintenance inspections carried out based on time or milage. With the help of the Head to Tow App you will be able to select your trailer and access these safety checks directly via the manufacturers link.
By making this important information so readily available the employer and employees can more accurately identify problems which may happen while the vehicle is in use and carry out appropriate checks while developing a proper system of maintenance.
Please take time at LAMMA20 NEC Birmingham on 7th and 8th January to visit the trailer manufacturers taking part in Head to Tow and download the App.