Big Beef Roadshow launches to empower farmers across Scotland 

The Big Beef Roadshow 2024 will take place across Scotland throughout May and June to support beef farmers in improving practices and driving beef systems forward.  

The Big Beef Roadshow 2024 will take place across Scotland to support beef farmers in improving practices and driving beef systems forward.  

The event will also include sessions on nutrition, feed efficiency, as well as some of the most important veterinary matters, including bull fertility, current markets, and an update on cattle EID.  

The Big Beef Roadshow will feature specialists, researchers, and vets sharing the latest findings from the Feed into Beef project and other key themes such as efficiency and cattle health. 

Potato days event 4th-5th September 2024

Network and good catch-up 

Local vets from Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), SAC consultants, and a senior beef research scientist at AFBI, Francis Lively, will lead technical speaker sessions in the morning.  

Gavin Hill

Following lunch and networking opportunities, the afternoon will consist of a tour of the host farm, allowing for discussions and sharing of best practice. 

Gavin Hill, head of Knowledge Networks and senior beef specialist at SAC Consulting, said: “We are incredibly fortunate to have these events on three well known and respected livestock farms.  

“It has been a tough spring for farmers, and so it will be a great opportunity to look at relevant work, including some new research on beef nutrition.  

“But more importantly, the days will allow everyone to network and have a good catch-up in an informal learning environment.” 

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Learn from the best

The dates and locations of the events are as follows: 

  • Corskie Farm, Garmouth, IV32 7NN, Tuesday 28th May
  • Hilton of Beath Farm, Kelty, KY4 0HF, Wednesday 29th May
  • Knockenjig Farm, Sanquhar, DG4 6JX, Tuesday 11th June

Meetings will run from 10:15am to 3:30pm and are free to attend. Lunch will be provided. 

Sarah Balfour, beef specialist at SAC Consulting and chair of the Beef Roadshow, said: “We are facing a number of challenges; our climate is changing, policy is changing, and our beef industry is changing, and we need to adapt.  

“The beef roadshow has been designed to look at all of this, giving our delegates the opportunity to participate in four interactive stations, covering topics such as feed efficiency, fertility, and use of data to help them prepare for the challenges ahead.  

“We would encourage anyone in the beef supply chain to join us and learn from the best in the field.” 

Ms Balfour added that the events are expected to be popular among beef farmers, offering invaluable insights and networking opportunities to enhance farming practices across Scotland.  

Sign up for the big beef Roadshow here

Read more livestock news.

Potato days event 4th-5th September 2024

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