Garford Farm Machinery showcases future of mechanical weed control

Garford Farm Machinery will be showcasing its full range of technologically advanced mechanical weed control products, including its Robocrop Precision Guided Hoes, InRow Weeders and Hooded Sprayers, at LAMMA 2024.

Garford InRow on lamma 2024 article on farm machinery website

With over 20 years of hoeing experience, and having bought many innovations to market, from the Robocrop Vision Guidance System to the compact hydraulic side shift mechanism, the Robocrop Side Shift, Garford is recognised as the industry leader in precision mechanical weed control, says the company.

Accurate and efficient hoeing

The Robocrop Guidance System allows for accurate and efficient hoeing and chemical application for both in row and inter-row weed management and prevention control. The system uses video cameras and image analysis computers to locate crop position and then guides the hoes quickly and accurately.

A team of experts will be on stand to discuss how new innovations have seen mechanical hoes re-emerging as a crucial element to sustainable, integrated weed management systems, not only for high-value and high-intensive crops, but also across broadacre arable crops.

Potato days event 4th-5th September 2024

Environmental responsibilities

With the increasingly stringent controls over the use of chemical weed controls, alongside supply chain issues, hoeing and intercrop crop cultivation is becoming common practice, as UK agriculture embraces its environmental responsibilities.

“Garford’s precision guided mechanical weeders not only remove weeds, but also promote many advantages for both the soil and the crop plants,” explains Allan Knight, Garford Farm Machinery technical sales and marketing manager.

“A mechanical weeder will break up crusted and puddled top soil, promote the water retaining ability of the soil and microbial activity, thereby mobilising nutrients and N minerals,” he says.

In addition, latest research including a recent study from NIAB, indicates hoeing also offers the potential to significantly reduce the input of chemicals.

Garford Farm Machinery on lamma 2024 farm machinery article

“As agrochemicals are withdrawn from the market, more and more conventional farmers are beginning to appreciate hoes as a more appropriate solution, in combination with other weed controls,” says Mr Knight.

While previously non-chemical approaches have been seen as an expensive add-on to conventional herbicide programmes, the addition of mechanical weed control products as part of an integrated weed management system offers a cost-effective and sustainable solution to growers.

Precision guided equipment

Details on Garford’s innovative, precision guided equipment, developed and manufactured in the UK, with custom-build facilities, will be available on stand. These include the full range of robotic mechanical weed control products as well as manual hoes and hooded sprayers.

Garford’s hooded sprayers have been developed to enable precise and accurate application of plant protection products and fertilisers to growing crops, in order to maximise crop potential and reduce environmental impact.

Products on display will include:

  • The 6m Robocrop Interrow Hoe
  • The 3m Robocrop InRow Hoe (demonstration treadmill unit)
  • The Robocrop Interrow Hoe (demonstration treadmill unit)
  • The 3m Step Back Frame Hooded Sprayer

Meet the team at LAMMA 2024 to discuss your individual requirements, or visit Garford’s website here for more details.

Stand number: Hall 19, Stand 476

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